The new XRay Mod 1.15.2 / 1.14.4 – 1.12.2 – this is the most stuffed cheat for all who play in Minecraft. With XRay Mod, you can easily find all the necessary ores and rare resources. The cheat includes FullBright providing clear lighting in dark caves.
XRay Mod for Minecraft 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2
Cave Finder for finding caves, abandoned mines, finding evil mobs, the End portal, torches, hidden chests and more. XRay is an X-ray card, showing deposits of diamonds and precious ores. Fly is a great opportunity to fly in survival mode, change the speed and altitude of the flight, with Fly you can fly over the lava, dodge mobs and explore the highest places.
Download Links:
1.15.2 – xray-mod-v68-1_15_2
1.14.4 – xray-mod-v67-1_14_4
1.12.2 – xray-mod-v58-modded-1_12_2