RFTools Mod is a very large and complex mod with a huge number of possibilities, if you are tired of standard Minecraft, you want something complex and interesting, then this mod is for you.

RFTools Mod for Minecraft 1.16.2/1.15.2

New mechanisms, energy, new worlds and more. In this news I will try to collect useful material on this mod, as well as post the RFTools Mod itself.

What is RFTools Mod?

This is a huge industrial mod with a bunch of new blocks, you can compare it a bit in IC2. This mod will add various tools, teleports, new worlds, energy, and much more. In general, the mod will greatly change the standard game and make it more diverse and unusual.

Download Links:

1.16.2 – rftoolsbase-1.16-2.0.1-beta

1.15.2 – rftoolsbuilder-1.15-2.1.6