Hacked client Wurst has been known to Minecraft players for quite some time, which is why we recommend that you use it. New versions of the game began to come out more often, which is why cheat developers need to update their clients on a regular basis. This hack has everything you need to crack even the most popular server.

Wurst Hacked client for Minecraft 1.16.4/1.16.3

The pre-release of the new version of the game has already taken place, which is why we are posting for download Wurst for Minecraft 1.16.4. In addition, you can use the hack for version 1.16.3.

This client has everything you need to win any mini-game or pvp. Today, the requirements of cheaters to customers are constantly growing, since everyone wants to get the most when playing on the server, whether it be resources or maximum damage in battle. Be that as it may, we can definitely recommend this hack to you because its capabilities are beyond real.

Download Links:

1.16.4 – Wurst-Client-v7.6.2-MC1.16.4-pre2

1.16.3 – Wurst-Client-v7.6.2-MC1.16.3