You can create new buildings in a few seconds in Minecraft! Now it has become possible thanks to this mod. Forget about building a house and other buildings, because now you can craft just one block and get a building from it.
Prefab Mod for Minecraft 1.16.4/1.16.3/1.15.2
The list of buildings includes many new things, for example, you can create yourself a ready-made farm for pumpkins or watermelons. Well, or a skyscraper, or maybe you want to create a railway station. In any case, you can now quickly and easily set up many buildings.
Download Links:
1.16.4 – Prefab-Mod-1.16.4
1.16.3 – Prefab-Mod-1.16.3
1.15.2 – Prefab-Mod-1.15.2