Minecraft VoxelMap Mod

VoxelMap Mod will allow you to use the minimap in Minecraft. Your game will become much easier when a convenient minimap appears.

VoxelMap Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.15.2/1.12.2

Agree that with everyone there are situations when you get lost and do not remember the way to the house at all. The situation is not pleasant and it often happens that it is impossible to return home. But with this mod, you can create waypoints that will help you navigate your world and find the places you need.

Minecraft minimap

The minimap solves many problems faced by an ordinary Minecraft player. On the map you can always see other players as well as mobs that are close to you. In addition, you can see the area around you, be it water or mountains. Now the gameplay will be more enjoyable and easier for any player.

minimap Minecraft mod Minecraft 1.12.2 mods Mods for Minecraft 1.12.2

Download Links:

1.16.5 – VoxelMap-Mod-1.16.5

1.16.4 – VoxelMap-Mod-1.16.4

1.15.2 – VoxelMap-Mod-1.15.2

1.12.2 – VoxelMap-Mod-1.12.2