Mod Name Tooltip Mod

One of the most useful mods for your Minecraft that will show you information about the item on which you hover the mouse Mod Name Tooltip. The information window will allow you to get acquainted with all the necessary information about the subject or block.

Mod Name Tooltip Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.16.2/1.15.2

Now you can easily find out the name of the item, its safety factor, information about its possible use and the name of the modification (if any) that added it to the game. This mod makes life much easier and makes the game more comfortable for you.

block info

You can learn about some of the items in great detail. Especially relevant information will be about the blocks that are added by major mods like BuildCraft or IndustrialCraft. It is always convenient to have at hand information about what this object does and why it is generally needed. In addition, you will find out what the strength of your instrument is, which is also extremely important at any stage of the game.

item info Minecraft Minecraft

Download Links:

1.16.5 – Mod-Name-Tooltip-Mod-1.16.5

1.16.2 – Mod-Name-Tooltip-Mod-1.16.2

1.16.1 – Mod-Name-Tooltip-Mod-1.16.1

1.15.2 – Mod-Name-Tooltip-Mod-1.15.2