OpenBlocks Elevator Mod Minecraft

Create full-fledged elevators in Minecraft with OpenBlocks Elevator Mod! You will have the opportunity to create a working elevator using just a couple of blocks.

OpenBlocks Elevator Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.16.4/1.15.2

To create an elevator, you no longer need to invent any complex mechanisms or use command blocks. After installing this mod, you will have the opportunity to apply new blocks between which teleportation will occur as if riding an elevator.

Minecraft working elevator

For the elevator blocks to work properly, you will need to create several floors and connect the blocks between them so that the player can safely use the elevator. Moving between floors, no matter how many of them, will take you seconds, which is quite convenient and solves the problem of moving along fairly high and overall buildings.

Real elevator Minecraft elevator Minecraft blocks mods 1.16.5

Download Links:

1.16.5 – OpenBlocks-Elevator-Mod-1.16.5

1.16.4 – OpenBlocks-Elevator-Mod-1.16.4

1.16.3 – OpenBlocks-Elevator-Mod-1.16.3

1.15.2 – OpenBlocks-Elevator-Mod-1.15.2