Minecraft 1.16.3 hack

The newest cheat client with a large set of functions designed mainly for playing on anarchy. And he copes with it, because it includes all the most necessary cheats.

Meteor Hacked client for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.16.3

Anarchic servers have become quite popular among the Minecraft community due to 2b2t and a lot of youtubers. But since not everyone is licensed or because of the difficulty of starting on 2b2t, many choose other anarchies.

However, the question arises, which is the best cheat client to choose for such servers?

Meteor is one of the contenders, because it is tailored specifically for such servers, because it has all the most necessary cheats for anarchy. Usually you have to collect several clients in one assembly, for example kami + impact, and this inconvenience can be solved by the meteor client.

cheat client

Download Link: Meteor-Client-1

Meteor Hacked Client Minecraft 1.18