Ultimate Car Mod adds quality cars, tracks and even fuel to Minecraft. There are not many similar mods for the game, especially such high-quality ones. With the mod, you can create your own car that needs to be filled. It is also possible to set roads for driving.
Ultimate Car Mod 1.19.2
The number of cars in Ultimate Car is a pleasant surprise. You can create cars of different colors, different types. The manufacturing process is also very well implemented, the technological process delays more than one hour of play. As you can understand, cars can be taken not only from creativity, they can be made by yourself in survival mode. They will help you cover long distances in the game many times faster, cars are much more convenient than the usual horses and a rail with a trolley.
The Ultimate Car Mod is incredibly realistic, the cars feel and handle great, but you need to fill up the car to drive. Creating fuel is also an interesting process, although not an easy one. Due to large damage, the car may break down. It needs to be turned on and off. It cannot climb blocks, so for a comfortable ride you will need to equip the track. To create the first car, you will need to work hard, the mod adds a large number of new parts and a new crafting system.
Download Link: Ultimate-Car-Mod-Forge-1.19.2