The ComputerCraft mod will add computers to your Minecraft that can be used as you like: for games, surfing the Internet or programming.
ComputerCraft Mod Minecraft 1.12.2 (Computers)
To start using a computer, you will definitely have to look at the tutorial on the ComputerCraft mod, as it is a rather difficult mod. After studying the necessary material, you can finally start installing the computer and its further configuration.
The computer itself looks quite ordinary, somewhat resembling a dispenser. If the computer is turned off, then its screen is completely black, if it is turned on, a white stripe is lit on the screen.
You can use a PC as you please, whether it is ordinary surfing the Internet or a whole program that will help you calculate some difficult example. Everything will depend only on your computer skills in Minecraft.
Download Link: ComputerCraft-Mod-1.12.2