The appearance of a new modification called Lucky Ore for version 1.16.3 will be noticed and demanded by Minecraft players, since the mod will add a new resource to the game, which the author called “lucky” ore.

Lucky Ores Mod for Minecraft 1.16.3/1.16.2/1.16.1

It can be found in the event that you go down into deep mines. The destruction of such an ore will allow replacing the nearest stone blocks with many other ores that are of the same level. Do not forget about the fact that you can use the original powder from this ore for other types of ores. The purpose of this impact is to increase production.

In fact, if you are tired of the standard game, then you can always do a little random. This mod will undoubtedly make the game more interesting and varied for you.

Download Link: luckyore_1.0.0_1.16.3

Lucky Block Mod for Minecraft 1.19.2