PizzaCraft Mod Minecraft 1.12.2

PizzaCraft is a unique mod that allows you to create pizza in Minecraft and then pack it and deliver it anywhere in the world. Let yourself become a real chef who will cook real pizza.

PizzaCraft Mod Minecraft 1.16.5 – 1.12.2

The whole process of preparing our favorite product is quite sophisticated and complex. You will have to grow all the ingredients for making pizza by hand. Then you have to craft special tables to create pizza and make it.

Pizza in Minecraft

To work with the dough, you will also need special kitchen utensils that this mod adds to the game. Thus, you must understand that the preparation of pizza is thought out to every detail.

At the end of the process, the finished pizza can be packed in the box of your choice and delivered wherever you want. Enjoy new and delicious food that will replenish your health and keep you from starving for quite a long time. A wonderful opportunity to enjoy delicious and quite presentable food in a square world!


Minecraft 1.16.5 mods Minecraft PizzaCraft PizzaCraft PizzaCraft 1.16.5

Download Links:

1.16.5 – PizzaCraft-Mod-1.16.5

1.12.2 – PizzaCraft-Mod-1.12.2