Horror Movie Monsters Mod

Do you like horror movies? If yes, then this mod is for you! After all, he will add several characters from horror films who will attack and chase you. Try to live at least one night.

Horror Movie Monsters Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5/1.12.2

This mod will add several monsters (characters) from horror films that are known to everyone. It will also add new weapons and the ability to play for these characters. So you can have a great time with your friends by playing horror maps with this mod.


Add killers from the films Saw, Halloween, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Silence of the Lambs, It.

Horror Movie Monsters Minecraft


  • To install a mod, open the minecraft folder with mods.
  • Unzip the mod into it.
  • Start minecraft forge and enjoy the game!

Friday the 13th Minecraft A Nightmare on Elm Street Silence of the Lambs

Download Links:

1.16.5 – Horror-Movie-Monsters-Mod-1.16.5

1.12.2 – Horror-Movie-Monsters-Mod-1.12.2