SCP 087 Minecraft 1.12.2

SCP: Lockdown is a mod based on the game of the same name that will add a lot of content from the original to the game. New SCP monsters, creepy scenery and of course blocks to create a complex.

SCP: Lockdown Mod 1.12.2

If you want to try your luck and try to face the most terrible objects, then this mod will help you with this. Create your own complex, which will study and contain monsters.

SCP mod

This is a pretty scary horror mod that will surely scare you. Use the resulting scenery to create a truly depressing atmosphere. Every fan of this series of games probably wants to visit familiar places. Create your own complex and try to collect all the known objects, some of which will be able to destroy you.

This addon will appeal to all fans of the original games of the SCP series, so you should definitely try this modification.

Minecraft scp mod 1.12.2 scp 1.12.2 scp 111 Minecraft

Download Link: SCP_Lockdown-1.12.2-2.4.0-hotfix

Siren Head Mod 1.16.5